Project Coordination

Reeds Consulting is a multi-disciplinary practice comprising professional staff who are able to assist clients in taking projects from inception through to delivery.  We understand the importance of communication with both our clients and other parties involved in the planning process.  We have long-standing, solid relationships with key stakeholders, including Councils, Referral Authorities and the Growth Areas Authority.

We have close connections with other consultants who provide insights on environmental assessments, flora and fauna reports, traffic assessments, aboriginal and European heritage, landscaping and architectural services.  Where additional services are required in order to undertake a development, we organise for other consultants to be engaged on our client’s behalf and coordinate the findings from all reports and plans prepared by others to ensure that they meet our client’s needs.

Driven by constantly innovating to better serve our clients planning requirements, we work closely with our clients and their consulting teams to maximise clients ‘project objectives and deliver outcomes, striving to exceed expectations.